Mercenaries 2: world in flames


The game has been criticized by the Venezuelan government, accusing the U.S. government and Pandemic Studios of trying to drum up support from the American public for a real-life invasion with the purpose of overthrowing Hugo Chávez. Pandemic Studios had previously developed training aids for the US Army. In response to the criticism, the official Mercenaries 2 website included the following disclaimer.

«Pandemic Studios is in the business of entertainment. It has never been contacted by any U.S. government agency concerning the development of Mercenaries 2. All persons, storylines and events are purely fictional and bear no relation to real events. As with any number of games, movies and books, the decision to choose interesting events and locations is purely designed to tell a compelling story, as well as provide a fun and rich experience for the gamer.«
— Disclaimer on official Mercenaries 2 website

Despite the claim that Mercenaries 2 was intended to drum up support for an American attack, the portrayal of the United States through Universal Petroleum and the Allied Nations secretly led by Agent Joyce is less than flattering. Along with China, the US is only interested in the oil, and the only factions that seems to have the citizens interests in mind are the People’s Liberation Army of Venezuela and, ironically, the Venezuelan Army itself.

Norinco QJY-88

The QJY-88 machine gun is used by the PLA. Has exactly the same stats as the RPK, but a glitch allows it to shoot a virtually straight stream of bullets, giving it amazing accuracy.

Norinco QJY-88 — 5.8x42mm

A Chinese soldier holds a QJY-88 inside the main Chinese base.

A QJY-88 machine gun with bipod folded on Jennifer’s back.

Jen reloads the QJY-88. Note how she’s inserting a 7.62x39mm AK magazine, which changes into the correct shape once it gets into position. This programming mistake happens with most of the guns, excluding those with a «fast» reload animation, where only the charging handle is pulled but the magazines are not messing with.

SIG-Sauer P226

As in real life, the Venezuelan Army uses SIG-Sauer P226 pistols. They are also seen in UP or PLAV hands. Appears simply as «Pistol» in the game.

SIG-Sauer P226 — 9x19mm

Jennifer hands over her P226 with blued slide to Blanco. Note how the barrel is clearly bigger than 9mm.

Blanco strikes an interesting pose when he takes Jen’s pistol.

Fiona pulls out her P226 when Eva and Jen enter the occupied villa.

Jennifer puts her P226 to one of Blanco’s goon’s head. The P226 is «cut-scene weapon»; she is always seen with a P226, even if she wasn’t even carrying it in the level before the cut-scene.

Jennifer with a P226 pistol at the ready.

Jen holds a suppressed P226, known in the game as the «Covert Pistol». It is available along with the MP5SD3 in the «Covert Kit».


«Always pay your merc!«
— The Merc’s golden rule

Main Article: The Betrayal

The story follows the player’s hunt for Ramon Solano, a druglord who contracted the player’s mercenary for a job. Following a militaristic coup, Solano becomes the dictator of Venezuela. He uses his position to seize control of the country’s oil supply, resulting in an international incident and distress among OPEC. Alongside Solano’s Rebel Forces, a large portion of the Venezuelan army fiercely support the dictator’s cause. The other rebel forces, in opposition to Solano, have risen under the name of the PLAV—the People’s Liberation Army of Venezuela. Soon, numerous other factions join the fight for control of Venezuela’s oil. Among them: The massive Universal Petroleum Corporation and its private military; the Rastafarian Pirates (the equivalent of the Russian Mafia), People’s Liberation Army of Venezuela (PLAV), China’s People’s Liberation Army, and the Allied Nations. These five forces will inevitably form the backbone of a war to determine the fate of the country’s oil supply.

Betrayed, the player’s mercenary will ally him/herself with any of the other factions to get even with Solano, and make some money along the way…

Chang Feng CF-05

An early version of the Chang Feng CF-05 SMG is carried by Chinese sailors and officers, as well as tank drivers and rocket carrying troops. The CF-05 holds a correct 50 rounds, but offers low damage and lame accuracy.

Early Model Chang Feng — 9x19mm

A Chinese sailor with an early model CF-05 submachine gun. Note the extended stock.

Jennifer holds a CF-05 submachine gun while trying to rescue a captured Allied jet pilot. Due to an animation mistake, she holds the gun as if it was a full-sized weapon, hence is her hand dangerously in front of the barrel.

Jen quickly reloads her CF-05 in the middle of a massive firefight.

In cash they trust

Нестареющий sandbox-геймплей – самая суть «Mercenaries 2». Иными словами, игрок сам развлекает себя в большом, открытом для исследования мире. Несмотря на обещания разработчиков сделать интересную и захватывающую сюжетную линию, местный сторилайн увлекает только первые десять-пятнадцать минут, в которые укладывается нехитрая миссия-туториал, предательство старого друга и появление на горизонте серьёзного врага. Мистер Солано допустил большую ошибку, оставив в живых наёмника, которому не заплатили за работу да ещё к тому же прострелили, простите за выражение, задницу. Правда, для наёмника месть несколько растянется – Солано становится президентом мятежной южноамериканской страны, и добраться до него оказывается не так просто. Но ничего, мы подождём.


  1. Hilary Goldstein, HG. 2007, Mercenaries 2: Meet Your Mercs, viewed 20 April 2008, <>.
  2. Patrick Klepek, PK. 2006, Mercenaries 2: World in Flames PlayStation 3 Preview, viewed 20 April 2008, <>.
  3. Dave McCarthy, DM. 2007, Mercenaries 2: World in Flames Preview, viewed 20 April 2008, <>.
  4. Venezuelan anger at computer game, viewed 10 July 2006, <>.

New features[]

Features new to Mercenaries 2 include even more destructible environments, co-operative mode, a fire effects engine that allows the player to ignite things such as oil or foliage, improved artificial intelligence for non-player characters and the ability to swim. The game is powered by the Havok 4.5 physics engine.

New vehicles have been added, such as boats.Hijacking now consists of a small minigame, ranking in difficulty relative to the vehicle being hijacked. Another feature is the ability to switch from driver to gunner on demand. One other new addition to this iteration of Mercenaries is the ability to build a Private Military Company (PMC) and recruit mercenaries into it. There are three mercenaries that can be recruited: Eva Navarro, who will act as a mechanic once recruited, and Ewan Devlin, who is a helicopter pilot who can pick up valuable objects you may encounter, and can also extract the player if necessary. Also Misha Milanich, a bomber pilot, will be available for hire as the player’s source for airstrikes.

The game features terrain ranging from urban environments such as Caracas to the Amazon rainforest.

Milkor MGL Mk 1L

The Milkor MGL Mk 1L grenade launcher is seen in the hands of UP Mercenaries and can be attained via the «Grenade Launcher Drop». It appears that the reload animation of the launcher was recycled from the M4 Super 90’s, because the characters do not open the cylinder, but insert the grenades as if it had a tubular magazine.

Milkor Mk 1L grenade launcher fitted with Armson OEG reflex sight — 40x46mm

Jennifer holds an MGL Mk 1L without foregrip during the prologue mission. Note the typical «ladder sight» crosshair.

Jen with an MGL Mk 1L.

Jen takes a photo of a Venezuelan HVT (High Value Target) to verify his death to her employers.

Bad boys and girls

C технической точки зрения «Mercenaries 2» кажется устаревшей на пару лет, однако шероховатости консольного порта окупаются тотальной разрушаемостью всего и вся. Разнести можно практически любое здание, будь то деревянный шалашик партизан или здоровенный замок какого-нибудь крупного мафиозо, – вопрос лишь в калибре оружия. Другое дело, что эта фишка мало влияет на геймплей, – кусок бетонной стены вряд ли придавит бегущего противника, да и анимация рушащегося здания больше всего похожа на заранее заготовленную

В этом плане очень хочется обратить внимание разработчиков на тот же «Stranglehold», в котором всего один меткий выстрел по несущей конструкции лишал жизни трёх, а то и четырёх врагов

Ну и традиционно затронем проблемы, присутствующие у консольной, в общем-то, игрушки на платформе PC. C момента релиза «Mercenaries 2» прошло уже немало времени, однако сообщения о багах и глюках PC-версии ежедневно обновляются – счастлив тот игрок, который избежит проваливания героя в текстуры, с первого раза оттарабанит правильную комбинацию клавиш при угоне техники, не столкнётся с проблемой битых сейвов и не удивится ограниченному значению FPS при любых настройках графики (15-30 кадров в секунду для экшена, согласитесь, маловато). Патча, исправляющего хотя бы половину означенных выше проблем, пока не появилось, поэтому мы, если что, предупреждали.

Стоит ли «Mercenaries 2: World in Flames» того, чтобы обязательно с ним познакомиться? Если любите динамичные экшены, продолжительностью в пару вечеров и не напрягающие геймплеем, то ответ «да». Определённо, «Наёмники» смогут хотя бы ненадолго развеселить – порадуют юмором в диалогах, предоставят возможность снести пару-тройку зданий, вдоволь накататься на военной технике и отправить на тот свет сотни, а то и тысячи противников. Вот только глубины в такой игре не ищите – её тут нет.

General Dynamics M197 Vulcan

The General Dynamics M197 Vulcan is mounted on The «Vulcan 4×4», «Ambassador Gunship» the «Warsong Attack Helicopter» and on other vehicles.

General Dynamics M197 Vulcan — 20mm.

An M197 Vulcan mounted on a «Vulcan 4×4» assault vehicle.

Jen fires the M197 Vulcan. Since the M197 is part of a RWS (Remote Weapon Station), it can be fired from inside the vehicle, even while driving. Other vehicle mounted heavy weapons, are not capable of this convenient feature.

Jen drives a Triton Patrol Boat, which is fitted with a powerful M197 Vulcan machine gun. It holds an impossible amount of 2000 rounds.

An M197 Vulcan mounted on an Allied Nations «Ambassador» assault helicopter.

Colt M4A1

The M4A1 Carbine is the standard issue weapon of the Universal Petroleum mercenaries and can be seen being carried by Allied Nations medics also. The model of the M4A1 lacks the rear sight, yet still, it has good accuracy. Jennifer and Matthias can carry a total of 12 magazines, while Chris Jacobs (being the «strong» mercenary) can carry 16.

Photoshopped Colt M4A1 with carrying handle removed — 5.56x45mm NATO

Jennifer holds her M4A1 during the prologue mission of the game.

Jennifer examines the weapons she has to deliver to the Universal Petroleum faction’s base of operations. As the HUD shows, the whole cargo is worth only 9,500 dollars, while in real life one single M4 Carbine costs more than a thousand dollars.

Jennifer reloads a «Carbine», as the game calls it. It is worth noting that all unfired rounds are lost after a reload.

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